htaccess secure files

htaccess secure files tool generates code for the .htpasswd and .htaccess files to protect one or more files.

Path to .htpasswd file relative to the root directory of your server (e.g. /home/your_site/protected/.htpasswd)
Enter comma separated file names that you want to protect. (e.g. file1.php, file2.jpg)

Enter username, password, path to the .htpasswd file and comma separated file names that you want to protect. The .htpasswd file path should be relative to the root directory of your server. Click generate to generate .htpasswd and .htaccess code. The htaccess secure files tool will generate code for both .htpasswd and .htaccess files. Create those files and copy paste the code in the files. Then upload the .htaccess file in a directory where the files you want to protect are exist. Upload the .htpasswd file in a directory as you mentioned in the .htpasswd path input. And finally, visit the files to check if it is working.

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